Friday, September 25, 2009

Beautiful Fall Day

Good Morning All ~~
Hope everyone one is well and content in
their little corner of the world.
We are blessed today in Connecticut with another
Beautiful Fall day.
The air is cool, the grass is green, there is a smattering
of color on some of the trees, and pumpkins
& mums are showing up in most yards I pass.
My most favorite time of the year.
I'm home today so I'll put a pot of stew on the stove, and
an apple pie in the oven. I have a busy week-end coming
up so today will be my only day at home for some chores,
and time in the kitchen.
I spent last Sunday in Woodbury with my friend Cathy
celebrating 350 years of the quaint town, there were
historic houses to visit, a civil war encampment,
crafters dressed in period correct clothing demonstrating,
and selling their wares, delicious food, and
lively music.....a wonderful Fall day out in the country.

Hearth Side Cooking
The women were roasting chickens, bean soup, potatoes
and breads...they explained that all the volunteers
working in the house that day, would sit down later
for supper and enjoy the food, and fellowship

Locally grown Bounty

A Wagon ride around the Town

A Beautifully costumed Lady
who was demonstrating her craft.

Fife & Drum

A table in the Officers Tent

Soldier's Tent


I hope each and every one of your can get outside
and experience this most wonderful time of the year.
Sending Warm Hugs from the Cabin ~~ Connie xox


  1. Mornin' Connie!....looks like a lovely outing you had there....great pics!

    Enjoy your time at home and have a wonderful Autumn weekend!


  2. Those are awesome pics Connie! Wanted to mention I made your pumpkin fudge a couple weeks ago and OH MY was it yummy!!!! I couldn't seem to stay out of it:) Thanks again for sharing it with us and have a wonderful day!

  3. Hi Connie,
    So good that you and Cathy had a day out at Woodbury. I know she really enjoyed it.
    We're having gorgeous weather here on the Cape too. I can't get enough of it. There are still folks sunning themselves at the beach during the day. It's that beautiful!
    Hoping I might get to your shop the next time we're down.
    Take care,

  4. Sounds like a fun day..and thank you for sharing your pictures! Yumm...your stew sounds wonderful and apple pie is a favorite here in our home! Wishing you more beautiful fall days~Kathy

  5. Oh what a fun day you had Connie!! And this weather has been delightful. Fall in NE - doesn't get any better than this!!

  6. Aw...thanks for the birthday wishes, Connie. For some reason, I still think I'm 18!

  7. Hi Babe..Great jobs as always...Love the pics...Must have been a fun time...Love ya, Cuz, Jo xoxoxoxo

  8. What a great time you must have had...and with a good doesn't get any better than that!!! XO, Judy

  9. Hi Connie!!

    What beautiful photos you've taken on such a nice day....I love those kind of days spent with friends.

    We are having a rainy day here in PA and I think I'm going to be cooking something autumny also.

    Have a great day!

    Warm hugs ~ Jenn

  10. I will have to make a trip soon! I bet it is beautiful there anytime of year! Thanks for the wonderful pictures!

  11. Oh..this looks lovely....wonderful pictures!

    Joyous October,


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