Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Its O-V-E-R..over !!!

It has been Beautiful weather here in the North East...not
quite hot summer weather but sunny and breezy during
the day, with wonderful cool nights, great for sleeping.
Actually perfect for me...not sure how long it will last,
but I'm very grateful for what we have had this past week.
Its over ... Its over .... its O-V-E-R over !!!
It taken a little over a month
(due to the previous rainy weather we had )
and 28 gallons of stain....but we are finally finished
with the cabin. YIPPEE !!!
We did the very last board on Saturday....and celebrated
by the pool for the rest of the week-end.
I love the way the house looks very uniform in
color and coverage...that was something we were
both looking for. We have fingers crossed that it lasts a
good ten years, and that next time
around we can hire it out. lol
I have only the trim color to pick out for the front, back, and
pass door by the garage...I have a color in my head,
its like an old blue green....very old and weathered looking
(Anita like the color we saw on the trim at
Jan Hoffman's a few years ago)
any suggestions would be appreciated ~~ lol .
Of course I don't think I will find that
color in a can....but will go on the hunt soon.
Now I have some weeding and transplanting to do,
it should have been done way before this .... but I waited
till the house was done so as not to trample on any of the
new flowers.
Hope everyone is Healthy, Happy & Enjoying
some Summer Time Fun.
Sending Good Thoughts & Sunny Hugs from the Cabin
Connie xox
~~ Summer Feet by the Pool ~~
Happy 5th Birthday to my Sweetie Girl
Miss Madison Ann
July 15th


  1. Your home looks wonderful Connie!....what a great feeling to be all done with such a task!....Happy Birthday to you and Maddie!! Janet

  2. Connie - it looks wonderful. I hope it lasts for 10 or more years as well!!

    Happy Birthday to your sweet Maddie!

    hugs, Linda

  3. TA-DA!!! Now you can relax ...I love the color of the cabin..perfect! The trim color you want sounds good but haven't a real clue what it looks like! Get a sample of paint from your friend...
    My feet look would nice around your pool !! XO, Judy

  4. Your house looks wonderful, can't wait to see pictures of the trim too! Sitting around the pool sounds even better! Enjoy the rest of the summer, Dawn

  5. House looks awesome...can't wait to see it....Congrat to both you and your Hubby for the patience and perseverance you guys needed to finish it....Love the flip-flops...Love, Cuz,Jo

  6. Looks wonderful. I know you are so glad it's done. Enjoy the rest of your summer.


  7. Connie, Congratulations on finishing it up! Can you get the smell of stain out of your head/nose? I'm sure I can always smell it weeks later! Enjoy the completed project. ~Ann

  8. Ohh finally! I'll bet your so happy. It looks wonderful. I love the color and I can't wait to see it with the new trim color (more pics hint hint!) Glad your having a nice summer and the rain finally stopped. Have a lovely sunny day today and happy birthday Maddie! Love and hugs ~ Jenn

  9. Happy Birthday to your sweet granddaughter!
    The house looks great!
    We too have been having great weather, with my grandsons here it makes it nice so we can spend time outside playing and having picnics.

  10. Your home is fantastic!!!! I LOVE it!!!! How I wish I could see the inside too.


  11. Hi Neenee, Thank You for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment. Are you familiar with Judy Condon's Books ?? The Cabin is pictured in "A Simpler Time" and "Decorating for All Seasons", also if you go back to earlier posts on here you will see some photos. Hugs ~ Connie xox

  12. Hi Connie,
    Thanks for your comment. Our friend seems to be doing okay, although I'm sure it will become more of a reality to her as the days pass. Good that she has the boys nearby now.
    Glad your weather has improved also. What an awful summer this has been, especially for folks like me who like to be outdoors.
    Your house looks terrific. Hope I get to see it in person one of these days.
    Take care and enjoy the sunshine! :)


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me and leave a comment ~~