Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Friends & Flowers

May is such a pretty month....everything is turning lush green....the flowers are blooming, and the air smells of fresh mowed grass. We are all excited about being
back outside, planting our herbs ~ flowers, and veggies.
We washed off the front porch, and placed out our rockers so when we
have time, we can sit a spell and count our many Blessings.

Down by the "store" there is a daily show, one beam holds a dove nesting .... the other beam shows mama sparrow feeding three babies, and smack in the middle is a robins nest. Amazing the complete harmony that goes on right outside my door. They have now come to realize that I mean them no harm,so they pay absolutely no attention to me, till I pull out the camera and try to get a shot of the goings on.

My favorite flower the beautiful fragrant Lilac
is in full bloom here at the cabin, and was also
a beautiful sight down in Hereford, PA this past weekend.
Always a TreaT to shop at my favorite stores,
and visit with my favorite Friends !!
Came home as I always do, with wonderful goodies
and inspiration galore.
Hope there are people, and places that inspire and
fill you with Joy.
Sending Warm Spring Hugs from the Cabin
Connie xox
"Miss Judy on her back porch at
The Cinnamon Stick with her wonderful selection
of Herbs and a Beautiful Bouquet of Lilacs."
~ Friends & Flowers ~


  1. Connie ~
    I love this time of year, too. Busy planting, enjoying the wonderful sights and sounds of spring. Love your lilacs. Mine haven't bloomed yet here in Mi.
    Have a wonderful day.

  2. Hi Connie!....the lilacs are beautiful and so is Judy! Janet

  3. The lilacs are in bloom in my back yard as well. So sweet and fragrant!

    Have a wonderful day,

    hugs, Linda

  4. Hey Connie...
    At the town library again using THEIR computer!!!
    Anyway, LOVE...LOVE...LOVE the lilac's...Most Fantastic Spring Flower, especially in the house with their aroma!!!
    Happy you had a wonderful time in Pa...(and the Goodes you brought home too)

    I found out m,y computer got one of the WORST VIRUS's on earth...SOoooo it attacked my whole computer and everything has to be restored...Maybe someday I'll be back again, until then I'll be checking in with you and your MOST lovely photo's...

    Happy Beautiful Spring Day My Friend...

  5. YIKES...diet time!! and it looks like I wasn't "leaning" in very good...LOL!! The smile is because I LOVE when you visit - you are the INSPIRATION that motivates the storekeeper to open those doors every morning - hoping that a visit from a true friend will happen that day...XO, Judy

  6. What beautiful flowers!
    Wish I could tolerate the Lilac scent but I get almost ill when around them but they are just soooo beautiful.
    Great photo of Judy!

  7. Hi Connie - I love those lilacs! My Ms. Kim lilac bush is just starting to bloom...it blooms later than my other ones. I love how you can smell them as you walk by. Congratulations to you! I am so excited to hear about your new shop. I hope one day to come up your way and finally meet :)

  8. Beautiful flowers, the lilacs are perfect! I have a bush, but it NEVER blooms! I wish it did because I love them in the house, the scent is lovely, so I settle for the faux scent in air freshners! Wishing you well,

  9. Hi...I love the lilacs, too. It's a shame they only last a few days.



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