Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Log Cabin Primitives

******~~ Friendship Tulips ~~ ******
Its a Beautiful day in the country, not too hot and not too cold,
just a perfect Spring day. I had a wonderful time in PA visiting
my friends and all the neat shops I love. I came home with a
suitcase full of tips, information, and inspiration.
Please if your in the area stop by ~~ Aunt Daisy's in Emmaus, and
The Cinnamon Stick in Hereford, you will love what you see.
The shopping at Market in Gettysburg went well, as others have stated
it was a small show but I came home with my share of goodies.
PA for me has always been a wonderful source for small primitive
antiques, and that is what I was in the market for.

I believe one of my first posts in Blog Land was about my shed here at the
cabin and my desire to maybe one day open a small shop on select days.
Well the time is now.....I hung up my sign ~~ opened the door and
welcomed in a few relatives and neighbors, it was a fun few days.
I'm now in the processes of looking for signage to put down on
the main road so passersby will know where I am and when I'm open.

I also need to get the word out to all my Friends and the rest of my
Family so then can know I'm open for business.
I have some standing commitments that will not allow me to open right

now as often as I would like, but I can be reached for my hours by email.
Its a very small shop and what you will find is stated below.
I sell old ~ kinda old ~ made to look old.
primitive ~ grubby ~ grungy ~ items.

Its what I know ~ Its what I love ~ Its what I sell.
Wish me Luck !!
Hope you are all having a pleasant day, doing what you love.
Sending Hugs from the Cabin ~~ Connie xox


  1. Congrats on your new shop! I'm super jealous! Can't wait to see picture of it.

  2. Congratulations Connie! How wonderful that your dream of a shop has come to fruition. I'll need the address and hours of course so when I get to CT sometime, I can stop by! I wish you much success!

    hugs, Linda

  3. Ohhh Connie this is wonderful news!! I hope someday I'll be able to visit that lovely little shoppe which I'm sure is filled with goodies and I know once the word is out you will do VERY well! (How far are you from NYC??Dino has relatives in Jersey close to the city.)

    I hope your day is beautiful. The sun is trying to peak out here but its much cooler than yesterday. Have a happy one!

    Love and hugs ~ Jenn

    p.s. I tried to get on your picturetrail hoping to see some of your spring time pics but it's not working...didn't know if you knew that or not.

  4. Congratulations on your new adventure Connie!....I wish you all the luck and joy in the world! Janet

  5. Connie! Congratulations! Oh I wish I could come and shop there! I just know it is going to be wonderful and I can't wait to see pictures of it! Have fun!! Take care. ~Sarah~

  6. Congratulations! I just love to hear about more prim shop opening instead of closing. Be sure and post pictures - can't wait to see! I wish you many prosperous years, Dawn

  7. Kendra ~ Janet ~ Sarah & Dawn ~~
    Thanks for your sweet comments ~
    Jenn ~~ Thanks Hon ~ I think I fixed the picture trail. You are Welcome anytime and I'm about an
    hour from NYC ~~ I'll keep the light on ~ :-)
    Linda ~ Thank You ... I'm really a tiny shop but you are welcome any time, email for my hours. We should meet someday someplace for some shopping and lunch, maybe Sturbridge.
    Hugs to all of you ~~ xox

  8. Connie...Congrats! What a treat it will surely be for your many friends and fans to have access to your decorating talents! I wish you much luck and hope that one day when I'm visiting Cathy, I will get to see your shop.
    All the best.

  9. What an exciting venture you are beginning...I wish you the best of luck.
    I think that all of us would love to attempt what you are doing.
    You Go Girl!

  10. WOOHOO !!! A trip to Connecticut is on the list of things to do that will give me much pleasure! Of course if we open that bottle of wine I will bring with me....I may have to take over one of the bedrooms!
    You know I am so very excited for you ... Dreams do come true...NOW we need a couple pictures to torture us!! XOXO Love you much...and always for your true friendship, Judy

  11. Oh Connie, how exciting! I am sending you good luck wishes, what fun!
    When we go to VT we stay at a little old cape cod house (I wish it was mine!) attached to the house is a little antique shop, she is only opened on weekends, but guest can access the shop through the bedroom, which locks from inside the bedroom, I always find sweet treasures in there. We leave next Thursday for my son's grauduation, I want to stop at shops along the way if time permits and and our Pug!
    I live not far from PA and never go!
    Hugs, Martha

  12. Joanne ~~Thanks, our mutual friend already stopped by. lol Would love an in person visit are welcome anytime. ~~
    Janene ~~ Thanks for stopping by !! ;-)
    Miss Judy ~~ Of course you would need a sleep-over,
    we would have too much fun to let the day end early, and your buddy Sharon is also welcome.
    Martha ~~ Thanks , have a wonderful trip, Congrats on your sons graduation. Hope you get to squeeze in a little shopping.
    You are all very Sweet ~~ xox

  13. My best & blessings to you!!! That is so neat, you have the perfect place for a shop! Glad was trip was a restful one & that you had much fun!

  14. WOW - CONGRATULATIONS to you on your shop!! That is so exciting. I wish you much success!!!! I always enjoy your blog. Hope you have a blessed weekend.

    ~ Lisa

  15. Congrats and best wishes always for it! That's wonderful. Have a terrific time with it. Your stuff is really beautiful. I'll try to stop by when things calm down. Sorry I haven't been able to check in as much with getting ready for the move!


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me and leave a comment ~~