Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Off To Vermont ~~

Off to VT for a four day....... Peek at the Leaves Trip.
The camper is all packed up.....I have my camera
hoping for some great shots of the beautiful foliage.
Have my cell phone in case my lovely granddaughters
have a need to talk to their Nan. Have my latest
Beverly Lewis book (thanks barb) so I guess I'm all
set. Oh yes I did pack a few thing my hubby might like....
food, snacks, dvd's, clothes...whatnot's. lol
Have a Wonderful Autumn Week-End !!


  1. Hi Connie!

    Your blog looks wonderful and I love that picture of your little girls! Thanks for the info on Turkey Hollow Blog ~ I feel so bad I haven't wrote you back. Ive been thinking of you and now I can keep up with what is happening in your little part of the world. I look forward to more of your beautiful photos also. Have fun in Vermont. Wish I could go!

    Lots of love and hugs ~ Jenn

  2. Hi Cus....This Blog is just all the pics...the those lil'l darlings are too precious for words...Have a grand time in Vt..will catch up with you soon...Love Your Cus in Bklyn....

  3. Connie....your grandaughters are just the cutest!! They must love to come to Grandmom's to play Little House on the Prairie!! I want to come play too!! XO Judy


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